小橋 昭彦 2006年11月7日

A mathematical cake, as viewed by n persons participating in its division, is modeled by their n (covert) value functions on the unit interval. Each participant can cut the cake at a point by a vertical line at that point, and each is assumed to make their cut so as to maximize the value of the minimum size piece they might receive. The authors explore algorithms that allow this division to be fair to all.

でも、わたしはチョコが好きだけど相手はホイップが好きなどと価値付けが違うときは、うまくいかない。で、どうしようか、という数学上の問題。Steven J. Brams, Michael A. Jones, and Christian Klamlerによる共著。Bramsは訳書に『公平分割の法則』があるね。